Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The advanced classes for the baking and pastry program focused more on the advanced courses for European cakes, chocolates, bread production and pâtisserie. For this quarter I took the chocolates and European cakes course.  It was really exciting to be in my chocolates class that I forgot to take a lot of pictures. I mean come on now, if eating chocolates is almost everyone's favorite, then making them especially bon bons are the most fun! We watched videos of demos of chefs from the CIA then after that we had a lecture about how to properly temper chocolates. The next day was for us to work on our own. Groups were given recipes and each member basically had to do one or more recipes. 
So yeah, here were some of the snapshots that I took. One thing I have always remembered since that day, "Make it, don't wear it!". I had to admit, if I didn't wear my full apron on, my chef coat would be covered with dark, milk and white chocolates all over! Well, it was my first week anyway!

demo. first day.

making dark bon bons. i filled it with layers of tangerine- white chocolate and dark chocolate.

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